Monday, June 27, 2011

iis restart

REM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REM REM Use this batch file to start IIS web sites when the server is started. To use, ensure that all following steps have been followed. REM 1. Place this as a batch file on the server ( C:\StartWebsites.bat ) REM 2. Edit the startup group policy setting for the local machine REM PATH : ( Group Policy Object Editor - Local ComputerPolicy - Computer Configuration - Windows Settings - Scripts - Startup) REM 3. Add a script with the path to the batch file as the script name ( Script Name: C:\StartWebsites.bat ) REM REM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REM CScript Host is required to use IIS command line tools cscript.exe //H:CScript REM Start web sites REM web sites iisweb /start wiki iisweb /start development REM Reset default scripting host to WScript in case anything else depends on it. cscript.exe //H:WScript

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