USE master GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_searchit] ( @val varchar(255), @escape char(1) = NULL, @table sysname = NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @cols TABLE ( id int identity(1,1), colname sysname, tabname sysname ) DECLARE @results TABLE ( id int identity(1,1), colval varchar(max), colname sysname, tabname sysname ) DECLARE @id int , @colname sysname , @tabname sysname , @sql nvarchar(4000) INSERT INTO @cols ( colname, tabname ) SELECT "colname" , "tabname" FROM syscolumns A (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN sysobjects B (NOLOCK) ON = WHERE A.type IN ( SELECT B.type FROM systypes B (NOLOCK) WHERE IN ( 'char', 'varchar', 'text', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'ntext', 'sysname' ) ) AND B.type = 'U' AND ( @table IS NULL OR = @table ) SELECT @id = max(id) FROM @cols WHILE @id > 0 BEGIN SELECT @colname = A.colname , @tabname = A.tabname FROM @cols A WHERE = @id SET @sql = 'SELECT TOP 1 [' + @colname + '] "result", ''' + @colname + ''' "column", ''' + @tabname + ''' "table" FROM [' + @tabname + '] WHERE [' + @colname + '] LIKE ''%' + @val + '%''' IF @escape IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' ESCAPE ''' + @escape + '''' END INSERT INTO @results ( colval, colname, tabname ) EXEC sp_executesql @sql SET @id = @id - 1 END SELECT * FROM @results END --sp_searchit GO
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
'The SECRET' to fast SSIS packages!
Nope, you don't need no stinkin' law of attraction, yoga, contemplative breath prayers, 12 steps to paganism, or 3 points and a poem to follow the road to enlightened performance. Just follow this simple formula:
Step 1: Rewrite them as stored procedures...
Step 1: Rewrite them as stored procedures...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
c# display SqlCommand statement
public static string cmdToString(SqlCommand cmd) { var c = " "; var s = cmd.CommandText; for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Parameters.Count; i++) { s += c + cmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName; s += " = " + cmd.Parameters[i].Value; c = ", "; } return (s); }
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Views in Drag
Ran into a real winner today. For a completely unexpected reason, several views began timing out and not returning results.
The only thing that worked was recreating the views.
I suspect a possible cause is that the views reference synonyms that in turn reference objects across a linked server. The linked server options had been modified right before the views stopped working.
The only thing that worked was recreating the views.
I suspect a possible cause is that the views reference synonyms that in turn reference objects across a linked server. The linked server options had been modified right before the views stopped working.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Dedupe based on compound key and timestamp
DECLARE @sourcetab TABLE ( id1 int, id2 int, update_on smalldatetime, val varchar(50) ) DECLARE @targettab TABLE ( id1 int, id2 int, update_on smalldatetime, val varchar(50) ) insert into @sourcetab (id1, id2, update_on, val) SELECT 10, 1, '20120110', 'testrec1' UNION SELECT 10, 1, '20120201', 'testrec2' UNION SELECT 5, 2, '20120201', 'testrec3' UNION SELECT 5, 1, '20120201', 'testrec4' UNION SELECT 5, 1, '20120205', 'testrec5' UNION SELECT 12, 18, '20120201', 'testrec6' UNION SELECT 12, 18, '20120205', 'testre7' UNION SELECT 12, 5, '20120201', 'testrec8' UNION SELECT 17, 3, '20120201', 'testrec9' UNION SELECT 18, 4, '20120201', 'testrec10' insert into @targettab (id1, id2, update_on, val) SELECT 10, 1, '20120101', 'testrec01' UNION SELECT 12, 5, '20120101', 'testrec02' UNION SELECT 20, 19, '20120101', 'testrec03' --not deduped SELECT A.id1, A.id2, A.update_on, A.val FROM @sourcetab A ORDER BY A.id1, A.id2, A.update_on --deduped with most current wins SELECT A.id1, A.id2, A.update_on, A.val FROM @sourcetab A WHERE A.update_on = ( SELECT max(A1.update_on) FROM @sourcetab A1 WHERE A1.id1 = A.id1 AND A1.id2 = A.id2 ) --update with most recent UPDATE A SET A.val = B.val , A.update_on = B.update_on FROM @targettab A INNER JOIN @sourcetab B ON A.id1 = B.id1 AND A.id2 = B.id2 WHERE B.update_on > A.update_on AND B.update_on = ( SELECT max(B1.update_on) FROM @sourcetab B1 WHERE B1.id1 = B.id1 AND B1.id2 = B.id2 ) --insert new recs INSERT INTO @targettab ( id1, id2, update_on, val ) SELECT A.id1, A.id2, A.update_on, A.val FROM @sourcetab A WHERE A.update_on = ( SELECT max(A1.update_on) FROM @sourcetab A1 WHERE A1.id1 = A.id1 AND A1.id2 = A.id2 ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM @targettab B WHERE B.id1 = A.id1 AND B.id2 = A.id2 ) --final result SELECT A.* FROM @targettab A ORDER BY A.id1, A.id2, A.update_on
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Passing parameterized string to OpenQuery
OpenQuery can only accept a static string as an argument for the sql statement to execute over the remote link.
The only way around this is to execute the OpenQuery as a dynamic sql string and concatenate the parameters as part of the "static" string.
The results can then be piped into a temp table or table variable. The trick is that "SELECT INTO" will not work, so the table has to be defined beforehand to match the result set of the dynamic sql and use "INSERT INTO".
The most obnoxious bit is the crazy nested tick-quotes...
DECLARE @mycodes AS TABLE ( [id] [int] NOT NULL, [code] [varchar](25) NULL, [description] [varchar](80) NULL ) declare @sql nvarchar(4000) , @myparm varchar(255) SET @myparm = 'someval' SET @sql = 'select id, code, description from openquery([MYDBLINK],''EXEC mydb.dbo.mystoredproc @myparm = '''' + @localval + '''''' )' print @sql insert into @codes EXEC sp_executesql @sql select * from @codes
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
MonoTouch Bare Bones
using System;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
namespace myNameSpace
public class Application
static void Main(string[] args)
UIApplication.Main(args, null, "AppController");
[Register ("AppController")]
public class AppController : UIApplicationDelegate
UIWindow window;
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
// create the main view controller
var vc = new MainViewController();
// create main window and add main view controller as subclass
window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
return( true );
public override void OnActivated(UIApplication application)
//required override on iOS 3.0
public class MainViewController : UIViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad()
//custom code can start here...
Console.WriteLine("App Loaded");
Thursday, August 2, 2012
iOS MonoTouch Developement
Will Need:
1. Mac running OSX 10
2. Install latest version of Apple's Developer Tools / Xcode
3. Once installed, in Xcode go to "XCode"-->"Preferences"-->"Downloads" and install "Command Line Tools" (will need this if you want to "make" any bindings to additional Objective-C components).
4. Download and install MonoTouch. This will include: 1) Mono, an open source .NET implementation; 2) MonoDevelop, an open source IDE similar to Visual Studio; and, 3) MonoTouch, the proprietary set of libraries that allow you to compile C# code into iOS apps.
5. Your now ready to do the first tutorials found here:
To this point you can write code and run it in the simulator.
To actually deploy it to a device you will need a licensed copy of Monotouch and one of the following:
Apple Developer Program ($99 a year) - provision ad-hoc deployment on up to 100 different devices for testing and distribute/sell apps via app store.
Apple Enterprise Program ($299 a year) - deploy .ipa bundled apps to corporate owned or corporate employee owned devices.
1. Mac running OSX 10
2. Install latest version of Apple's Developer Tools / Xcode
3. Once installed, in Xcode go to "XCode"-->"Preferences"-->"Downloads" and install "Command Line Tools" (will need this if you want to "make" any bindings to additional Objective-C components).
4. Download and install MonoTouch. This will include: 1) Mono, an open source .NET implementation; 2) MonoDevelop, an open source IDE similar to Visual Studio; and, 3) MonoTouch, the proprietary set of libraries that allow you to compile C# code into iOS apps.
5. Your now ready to do the first tutorials found here:
To this point you can write code and run it in the simulator.
To actually deploy it to a device you will need a licensed copy of Monotouch and one of the following:
Apple Developer Program ($99 a year) - provision ad-hoc deployment on up to 100 different devices for testing and distribute/sell apps via app store.
Apple Enterprise Program ($299 a year) - deploy .ipa bundled apps to corporate owned or corporate employee owned devices.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Error creating database diagrams
Error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'diagram_id', table 'mydb.dbo.sysdiagrams'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT failes. The statement has been terminated. The 'sp_creatediagram' procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
Fix: Add the following trigger
CREATE TRIGGER tr_sysdiagrams_i ON dbo.sysdiagrams INSTEAD OF INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @id int SELECT @id = max(A.diagram_id) + 1 FROM dbo.sysdiagrams A INSERT INTO dbo.sysdiagrams ( name , principal_id , diagram_id , [version] , [definition] ) SELECT name , principal_id , @id , [version] , [definition] FROM inserted END --tr_sysdiagrams_i GOExplanation: I seem to remeber getting this same error when I was using the SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (SSMS) on a SQL Server 2005 instance. I got this again using the SSMS 2012 on a 2008R2 instance. Either the diagram_id is supposed to be an identity, or the id should be generated by SSMS. In either case, just making the column allow NULLs leads to other problems. So either have to recreate the table with the column as an identity, or add this trigger.
Friday, June 29, 2012
How to find objects modified since a certain date
FROM sys.all_objects
WHERE modify_date > '20120628 00:00:00'
Monday, June 25, 2012
Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed
Error: Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed
Fix: use "WITH (NOLOCK)" instead of just "(NOLOCK)
Explanation: When issuing a select that has uses four part naming to address the table and the table has a (nolock) hint, the t-sql will fail to execute with the error "Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed."
If you execute the query with 3 or 2 part naming it runs without error.
To get the query to work using 4 part naming you have to put the "with" keyword before the (nolock).
Fix: use "WITH (NOLOCK)" instead of just "(NOLOCK)
Explanation: When issuing a select that has uses four part naming to address the table and the table has a (nolock) hint, the t-sql will fail to execute with the error "Remote table-valued function calls are not allowed."
If you execute the query with 3 or 2 part naming it runs without error.
To get the query to work using 4 part naming you have to put the "with" keyword before the (nolock).
Thursday, June 21, 2012
‘SERVERNAME’ is not configured for RPC
Error: Server ‘SERVERNAME’ is not configured for RPC
Fix: Enable "rpc out"
EXEC [LINKEDSERVERNAME].[DATABASENAME].dbo.[STOREDPROCNAME]Problem: Attempting to execute a stored procedure across a SQL Server Linked Server
Fix: Enable "rpc out"
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'LINKEDSERVERNAME' , @optname=N'rpc out' , @optvalue=N'true' GO
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Specifying SQL Server instance
Connecting to a SQL Server instance using jdbc drivers, you need to append ‘;instance=INSTNAME’ to the connection string like the following:
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
USE [datastage]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_CodeGenerator] Script Date: 09/30/2013 13:20:06 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: John Olsen
-- Create date: 20120323
-- Update date: 20120425
-- Review date:
-- Description: Generate column related t-sql
-- and c# code for specified table
-- because i have had carpul
-- tunnel surgery once already
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CodeGenerator] ( @tabname varchar(128) )
--DECLARE @tabname varchar(128)
--SET @tabname = 'truck_transfers'
DECLARE @types TABLE ( xtype tinyint
, sql_type varchar(128)
, csharp_type varchar(30)
, db_type varchar(128)
, use_len tinyint
, use_prec tinyint
, use_scale tinyint
, type_class tinyint )
INSERT INTO @types (xtype, sql_type, csharp_type, db_type, use_len, use_prec, use_scale, type_class)
SELECT 127, 'bigint', 'int', 'BigInt',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 173, 'binary', 'byte[]', 'Binary',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 104, 'bit', 'int', 'Bit',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 175, 'char', 'string', 'Char',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 40, 'date', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3
UNION SELECT 61, 'datetime', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 42, 'datetime2', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 43, 'datetimeoffset', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3
UNION SELECT 106, 'decimal', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 62, 'float', 'float', 'Float',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 240, 'geography', 'SqlGeography', 'Geography',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 240, 'geometry', 'SqlGeometry', 'Geometry',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 240, 'hierarchyid', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,4
UNION SELECT 34, 'image', 'byte[]', 'Image',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 56, 'int', 'int', 'Int',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 60, 'money', 'float', 'Money',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 239, 'nchar', 'string', 'NChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 99, 'ntext', 'string', 'NText',0,0,0,2
UNION SELECT 108, 'numeric', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 231, 'nvarchar', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 59, 'real', 'float', 'Real',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 58, 'smalldatetime', 'string', 'SmallDateTime',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 52, 'smallint', 'int', 'SmallInt',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 122, 'smallmoney', 'float', 'SmallMoney',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 98, 'sql_variant', 'object', 'Variant',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 231, 'sysname', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 35, 'text', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2
UNION SELECT 41, 'time', 'string', 'VarChar',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 189, 'timestamp', 'string', 'Timestamp',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 48, 'tinyint', 'int', 'TinyInt',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 36, 'uniqueidentifier', 'SqlGuid', 'UniqueIdentifier',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 165, 'varbinary', 'byte[]', 'VarBinary',1,1,0,4
UNION SELECT 167, 'varchar', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 241, 'xml', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2
--SELECT * FROM @types
DECLARE @cols TABLE ( id int identity(1,1)
, colname varchar(128)
, parmname varchar(128)
, sql_type varchar(128)
, db_type varchar(128)
, csharp_type varchar(30)
DECLARE @i int
, @crlf char(2)
, @classname varchar(128)
, @colname varchar(128)
, @parmname varchar(128)
, @sql_type varchar(128)
, @db_type varchar(128)
, @csharp_type varchar(30)
, @s_dec varchar(8000)
, @s_assn varchar(8000)
, @s_assnB varchar(8000)
, @s_collist varchar(8000)
, @s_parmlist varchar(8000)
, @c_dec varchar(8000)
, @c_update varchar(8000)
, @c_pop varchar(8000)
, @c_parm varchar(8000)
SET @crlf = char(13) + char(10)
INSERT INTO @cols ( colname, parmname, sql_type, db_type, csharp_type )
SELECT "colname"
, '@' + "parmname"
, (case when C.use_scale = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) + ',' + cast(B.scale as varchar(30)) + ')'
when C.use_prec = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + (case when B.prec = -1 then 'max' else cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) end) + ')'
else C.sql_type end) "sql_type"
, (case when C.use_len = 1 and B.prec > 0 then 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type + ', ' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30))
else 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type end) "db_type"
, C.csharp_type
FROM sysobjects A (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN syscolumns B (NOLOCK)
ON =
ON B.xtype = C.xtype
WHERE A.type = 'U'
AND = @tabname
, B.colorder DESC
SELECT @i = max(id)
FROM @cols
SET @classname = dbo.fnTitleCase(@tabname)
SET @s_parmlist = ''
SET @s_collist = ''
SET @s_dec = ''
SET @s_assn = ''
SET @s_assnB = ''
SET @c_dec = ' public class ' + @classname + 'DAO : DAO' + @crlf + ' {'
SET @c_pop = ' public void populate(DataRow row)' + @crlf + ' {'
SET @c_update = ' public void update()' + @crlf + ' {' + @crlf + ' SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand();' + @crlf + ' oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;' + @crlf + ' oCmd.CommandText = "pUpdate";'
SET @c_parm = ''
WHILE @i > 0
SELECT @colname = A.colname
, @parmname = A.parmname
, @sql_type = A.sql_type
, @db_type = A.db_type
, @csharp_type = A.csharp_type
FROM @cols A
WHERE = @i
SET @s_collist += @crlf + ' , ' + @colname
SET @s_parmlist += @crlf + ' , ' + @parmname
SET @s_dec += @crlf + ' , ' + @parmname + ' ' + @sql_type
SET @s_assn += @crlf + ' , A.' + @colname + ' = ' + @parmname
SET @s_assnB += @crlf + ' , A.' + @colname + ' = B.' + @colname
SET @c_dec += @crlf + ' public ' + @csharp_type + ' ' + @colname + (case when @csharp_type = 'string' then ' = "";' else ' = 0;' end)
SET @c_pop += @crlf + ' this.' + @colname + ' = '
+ (case when @csharp_type in ('float','int') then @csharp_type + '.Parse(row["' + @colname + '"].ToString());'
when @csharp_type in ('string') then 'row["' + @colname + '"].ToString();'
else '('+@csharp_type+') row["' + @colname + '"];' end )
SET @c_update += @crlf + ' oCmd.Parameters.Add("' + @parmname + '", ' + @db_type + ').Value = this.' + @colname + ';'
SET @i -= 1
PRINT @s_collist + @crlf
PRINT @s_parmlist + @crlf
PRINT @s_dec + @crlf
PRINT @s_assn + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @s_assnB + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_dec + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_pop + @crlf + ' }//populate()' + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_update + @crlf + ' }//update()' + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_parm + @crlf
PRINT ' } //' + @classname
END --sp_CodeGenerator()
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_CodeGenerator] Script Date: 09/30/2013 13:20:06 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: John Olsen
-- Create date: 20120323
-- Update date: 20120425
-- Review date:
-- Description: Generate column related t-sql
-- and c# code for specified table
-- because i have had carpul
-- tunnel surgery once already
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CodeGenerator] ( @tabname varchar(128) )
--DECLARE @tabname varchar(128)
--SET @tabname = 'truck_transfers'
DECLARE @types TABLE ( xtype tinyint
, sql_type varchar(128)
, csharp_type varchar(30)
, db_type varchar(128)
, use_len tinyint
, use_prec tinyint
, use_scale tinyint
, type_class tinyint )
INSERT INTO @types (xtype, sql_type, csharp_type, db_type, use_len, use_prec, use_scale, type_class)
SELECT 127, 'bigint', 'int', 'BigInt',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 173, 'binary', 'byte[]', 'Binary',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 104, 'bit', 'int', 'Bit',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 175, 'char', 'string', 'Char',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 40, 'date', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3
UNION SELECT 61, 'datetime', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 42, 'datetime2', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 43, 'datetimeoffset', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3
UNION SELECT 106, 'decimal', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 62, 'float', 'float', 'Float',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 240, 'geography', 'SqlGeography', 'Geography',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 240, 'geometry', 'SqlGeometry', 'Geometry',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 240, 'hierarchyid', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,4
UNION SELECT 34, 'image', 'byte[]', 'Image',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 56, 'int', 'int', 'Int',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 60, 'money', 'float', 'Money',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 239, 'nchar', 'string', 'NChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 99, 'ntext', 'string', 'NText',0,0,0,2
UNION SELECT 108, 'numeric', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 231, 'nvarchar', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 59, 'real', 'float', 'Real',0,1,1,1
UNION SELECT 58, 'smalldatetime', 'string', 'SmallDateTime',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 52, 'smallint', 'int', 'SmallInt',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 122, 'smallmoney', 'float', 'SmallMoney',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 98, 'sql_variant', 'object', 'Variant',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 231, 'sysname', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 35, 'text', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2
UNION SELECT 41, 'time', 'string', 'VarChar',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 189, 'timestamp', 'string', 'Timestamp',0,0,0,3
UNION SELECT 48, 'tinyint', 'int', 'TinyInt',0,0,0,1
UNION SELECT 36, 'uniqueidentifier', 'SqlGuid', 'UniqueIdentifier',0,0,0,4
UNION SELECT 165, 'varbinary', 'byte[]', 'VarBinary',1,1,0,4
UNION SELECT 167, 'varchar', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2
UNION SELECT 241, 'xml', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2
--SELECT * FROM @types
DECLARE @cols TABLE ( id int identity(1,1)
, colname varchar(128)
, parmname varchar(128)
, sql_type varchar(128)
, db_type varchar(128)
, csharp_type varchar(30)
DECLARE @i int
, @crlf char(2)
, @classname varchar(128)
, @colname varchar(128)
, @parmname varchar(128)
, @sql_type varchar(128)
, @db_type varchar(128)
, @csharp_type varchar(30)
, @s_dec varchar(8000)
, @s_assn varchar(8000)
, @s_assnB varchar(8000)
, @s_collist varchar(8000)
, @s_parmlist varchar(8000)
, @c_dec varchar(8000)
, @c_update varchar(8000)
, @c_pop varchar(8000)
, @c_parm varchar(8000)
SET @crlf = char(13) + char(10)
INSERT INTO @cols ( colname, parmname, sql_type, db_type, csharp_type )
SELECT "colname"
, '@' + "parmname"
, (case when C.use_scale = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) + ',' + cast(B.scale as varchar(30)) + ')'
when C.use_prec = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + (case when B.prec = -1 then 'max' else cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) end) + ')'
else C.sql_type end) "sql_type"
, (case when C.use_len = 1 and B.prec > 0 then 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type + ', ' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30))
else 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type end) "db_type"
, C.csharp_type
FROM sysobjects A (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN syscolumns B (NOLOCK)
ON =
ON B.xtype = C.xtype
WHERE A.type = 'U'
AND = @tabname
, B.colorder DESC
SELECT @i = max(id)
FROM @cols
SET @classname = dbo.fnTitleCase(@tabname)
SET @s_parmlist = ''
SET @s_collist = ''
SET @s_dec = ''
SET @s_assn = ''
SET @s_assnB = ''
SET @c_dec = ' public class ' + @classname + 'DAO : DAO' + @crlf + ' {'
SET @c_pop = ' public void populate(DataRow row)' + @crlf + ' {'
SET @c_update = ' public void update()' + @crlf + ' {' + @crlf + ' SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand();' + @crlf + ' oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;' + @crlf + ' oCmd.CommandText = "pUpdate";'
SET @c_parm = ''
WHILE @i > 0
SELECT @colname = A.colname
, @parmname = A.parmname
, @sql_type = A.sql_type
, @db_type = A.db_type
, @csharp_type = A.csharp_type
FROM @cols A
WHERE = @i
SET @s_collist += @crlf + ' , ' + @colname
SET @s_parmlist += @crlf + ' , ' + @parmname
SET @s_dec += @crlf + ' , ' + @parmname + ' ' + @sql_type
SET @s_assn += @crlf + ' , A.' + @colname + ' = ' + @parmname
SET @s_assnB += @crlf + ' , A.' + @colname + ' = B.' + @colname
SET @c_dec += @crlf + ' public ' + @csharp_type + ' ' + @colname + (case when @csharp_type = 'string' then ' = "";' else ' = 0;' end)
SET @c_pop += @crlf + ' this.' + @colname + ' = '
+ (case when @csharp_type in ('float','int') then @csharp_type + '.Parse(row["' + @colname + '"].ToString());'
when @csharp_type in ('string') then 'row["' + @colname + '"].ToString();'
else '('+@csharp_type+') row["' + @colname + '"];' end )
SET @c_update += @crlf + ' oCmd.Parameters.Add("' + @parmname + '", ' + @db_type + ').Value = this.' + @colname + ';'
SET @i -= 1
PRINT @s_collist + @crlf
PRINT @s_parmlist + @crlf
PRINT @s_dec + @crlf
PRINT @s_assn + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @s_assnB + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_dec + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_pop + @crlf + ' }//populate()' + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_update + @crlf + ' }//update()' + @crlf + @crlf
PRINT @c_parm + @crlf
PRINT ' } //' + @classname
END --sp_CodeGenerator()
Monday, April 23, 2012
Cannot insert the value null into column ‘diagram_id’, table dbo.sysdiagrams
Error Condition: Cannot insert the value null into column ‘diagram_id’, table dbo.sysdiagrams
Problem: This sometimes occurs when a SQL Server database is ported from one version to another (such as 2000 to 2005 or 2005 to 2008) or possibly also when using the SSMS for a newer version of SQL Server against and older database.
Fix: Drop and recreated dbo.sysdiagrams making the column diagram_id an identity column.
NOTE: If you want to preserve the diagrams, then rename the table and create a new one, then SELECT - INTO to copy the data into the new table.
Problem: This sometimes occurs when a SQL Server database is ported from one version to another (such as 2000 to 2005 or 2005 to 2008) or possibly also when using the SSMS for a newer version of SQL Server against and older database.
Fix: Drop and recreated dbo.sysdiagrams making the column diagram_id an identity column.
use [mydatabase]
DROP TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams]
( [name] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[principal_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[diagram_id] [int] identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
[version] [int] NULL,
[definition] [varbinary](max) NULL
[principal_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[diagram_id] [int] identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
[version] [int] NULL,
[definition] [varbinary](max) NULL
NOTE: If you want to preserve the diagrams, then rename the table and create a new one, then SELECT - INTO to copy the data into the new table.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Problem: Unable to run a query through a linked server SQL Server 2008 R2. This problem occurs with a non-sysadmin account.
Error Message:
Msg 7416, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7416)
Cause: When creating a linked server with the parameter @provstr and you use a local SQL Server non-admin or non-Windows account, you have to add the parameter "User Name" into the @provstr
Note: Also do not use 'SQL Server' (note space) as product name, as you cannot specify a provider or any properties for product 'SQL Server'
Resolution : Add "User ID=remoteLogin" into the provider string on your linked server
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'LinkServerName', @provider=N'SQLNCLI',@srvproduct = 'SQLSERVER', @provstr=N'SERVER=serverName\InstanceName;User ID=remoteLogin'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'LinkServerName', @locallogin = 'localLogin' , @useself = N'False', @rmtuser = N'remoteLogin', @rmtpassword = N'*****'
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([LinkServerName], 'SELECT * FROM sysobjects')
Error Message:
Msg 7416, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7416)
Cause: When creating a linked server with the parameter @provstr and you use a local SQL Server non-admin or non-Windows account, you have to add the parameter "User Name" into the @provstr
Note: Also do not use 'SQL Server' (note space) as product name, as you cannot specify a provider or any properties for product 'SQL Server'
Resolution : Add "User ID=remoteLogin" into the provider string on your linked server
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'LinkServerName', @provider=N'SQLNCLI',@srvproduct = 'SQLSERVER', @provstr=N'SERVER=serverName\InstanceName;User ID=remoteLogin'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'LinkServerName', @locallogin = 'localLogin' , @useself = N'False', @rmtuser = N'remoteLogin', @rmtpassword = N'*****'
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY ([LinkServerName], 'SELECT * FROM sysobjects')
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Searching Procedures for Key Terms
SELECT name , object_definition(object_id) FROM sys.procedures WHERE object_definition(object_id) LIKE '%SomeSearchTerm%'
Monday, March 26, 2012
Code Generator
-- ============================================= -- Author: John Olsen -- Create date: 20120323 -- Update date: 20120425 -- Review date: -- Description: Generate column related t-sql -- and c# code for specified table -- because i have had carpul -- tunnel surgery once already -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uCodeGenerator] ( @tabname varchar(128) ) AS BEGIN ------------------------------------- --DECLARE @tabname varchar(128) --SET @tabname = 'truck_transfers' ------------------------------------- SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @types TABLE ( xtype tinyint , sql_type varchar(128) , csharp_type varchar(30) , db_type varchar(128) , use_len tinyint , use_prec tinyint , use_scale tinyint , type_class tinyint ) INSERT INTO @types (xtype, sql_type, csharp_type, db_type, use_len, use_prec, use_scale, type_class) SELECT 127, 'bigint', 'int', 'BigInt',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 173, 'binary', 'byte[]', 'Binary',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 104, 'bit', 'int', 'Bit',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 175, 'char', 'string', 'Char',1,1,0,2 UNION SELECT 40, 'date', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3 UNION SELECT 61, 'datetime', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3 UNION SELECT 42, 'datetime2', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3 UNION SELECT 43, 'datetimeoffset', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3 UNION SELECT 106, 'decimal', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1 UNION SELECT 62, 'float', 'float', 'Float',0,1,1,1 UNION SELECT 240, 'geography', 'SqlGeography', 'Geography',0,0,0,4 UNION SELECT 240, 'geometry', 'SqlGeometry', 'Geometry',0,0,0,4 UNION SELECT 240, 'hierarchyid', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,4 UNION SELECT 34, 'image', 'byte[]', 'Image',0,0,0,4 UNION SELECT 56, 'int', 'int', 'Int',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 60, 'money', 'float', 'Money',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 239, 'nchar', 'string', 'NChar',1,1,0,2 UNION SELECT 99, 'ntext', 'string', 'NText',0,0,0,2 UNION SELECT 108, 'numeric', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1 UNION SELECT 231, 'nvarchar', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,2 UNION SELECT 59, 'real', 'float', 'Real',0,1,1,1 UNION SELECT 58, 'smalldatetime', 'string', 'SmallDateTime',0,0,0,3 UNION SELECT 52, 'smallint', 'int', 'SmallInt',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 122, 'smallmoney', 'float', 'SmallMoney',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 98, 'sql_variant', 'object', 'Variant',0,0,0,4 UNION SELECT 231, 'sysname', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2 UNION SELECT 35, 'text', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2 UNION SELECT 41, 'time', 'string', 'VarChar',0,0,0,3 UNION SELECT 189, 'timestamp', 'string', 'Timestamp',0,0,0,3 UNION SELECT 48, 'tinyint', 'int', 'TinyInt',0,0,0,1 UNION SELECT 36, 'uniqueidentifier', 'SqlGuid', 'UniqueIdentifier',0,0,0,4 UNION SELECT 165, 'varbinary', 'byte[]', 'VarBinary',1,1,0,4 UNION SELECT 167, 'varchar', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2 UNION SELECT 241, 'xml', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2 --SELECT * FROM @types DECLARE @cols TABLE ( id int identity(1,1) , colname varchar(128) , parmname varchar(128) , sql_type varchar(128) , db_type varchar(128) , csharp_type varchar(30) ) DECLARE @i int , @crlf char(2) , @classname varchar(128) , @colname varchar(128) , @parmname varchar(128) , @sql_type varchar(128) , @db_type varchar(128) , @csharp_type varchar(30) , @s_dec varchar(8000) , @s_assn varchar(8000) , @s_collist varchar(8000) , @s_parmlist varchar(8000) , @c_dec varchar(8000) , @c_update varchar(8000) , @c_pop varchar(8000) , @c_parm varchar(8000) SET @crlf = char(13) + char(10) INSERT INTO @cols ( colname, parmname, sql_type, db_type, csharp_type ) SELECT "colname" , '@' + "parmname" , (case when C.use_scale = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) + ',' + cast(B.scale as varchar(30)) + ')' when C.use_prec = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) + ')' else C.sql_type end) "sql_type" , (case when C.use_len = 1 then 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type + ', ' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) else 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type end) "db_type" , C.csharp_type FROM sysobjects A (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN syscolumns B (NOLOCK) ON = INNER JOIN @types C ON B.xtype = C.xtype WHERE A.type = 'U' AND = @tabname ORDER BY ASC , B.colorder DESC SELECT @i = max(id) FROM @cols SET @classname = dbo.fnTitleCase(@tabname) SET @s_parmlist = '' SET @s_collist = '' SET @s_dec = '' SET @s_assn = '' SET @c_dec = ' public class ' + @classname + 'DAO : DAO' + @crlf + ' {' SET @c_pop = ' public void populate(DataRow row)' + @crlf + ' {' SET @c_update = ' public void update()' + @crlf + ' {' SET @c_parm = '' WHILE @i > 0 BEGIN SELECT @colname = A.colname , @parmname = A.parmname , @sql_type = A.sql_type , @db_type = A.db_type , @csharp_type = A.csharp_type FROM @cols A WHERE = @i SET @s_collist += @crlf + ' , ' + @colname SET @s_parmlist += @crlf + ' , ' + @parmname SET @s_dec += @crlf + ' , ' + @parmname + ' ' + @sql_type SET @s_assn += @crlf + ' , A.' + @colname + ' = ' + @parmname SET @c_dec += @crlf + ' public ' + @csharp_type + ' ' + @colname + (case when @csharp_type = 'string' then ' = "";' else ' = 0;' end) SET @c_pop += @crlf + ' this.' + @colname + ' = ' + (case when @csharp_type in ('float','int') then @csharp_type + '.Parse(row["' + @colname + '"].ToString());' else 'row["' + @colname + '"].ToString();' end ) SET @c_update += @crlf + ' oCmd.Parameters.Add("' + @parmname + '", ' + @db_type + ').Value = this.' + @colname + ';' SET @i -= 1 END PRINT @s_collist + @crlf PRINT @s_parmlist + @crlf PRINT @s_dec + @crlf PRINT @s_assn + @crlf + @crlf PRINT @c_dec + @crlf + @crlf PRINT @c_pop + @crlf + ' }//populate()' + @crlf + @crlf PRINT @c_update + @crlf + ' }//update()' + @crlf + @crlf PRINT @c_parm + @crlf PRINT ' } //' + @classname END --uCodeGenerator()
Monday, March 5, 2012
You can return the results of a dynamic sql statement into a temp table or table variable:
DECLARE @tab TABLE ( id int, val varchar(100) ) DECLARE @sql varchar(8000) SET @sql = "SELECT id, name FROM dbo.mytable" INSERT INTO @tab ( id, val ) EXEC( @sql )
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Installing Reporting Services
You have to open your browser (on server console or during a remote session) using "Run as Administrator".
Then go to http://localhost/Reports (NOTE: do not put http:///Reports - it doesn't work).
Go to Folder Settings and assign role browser and content manager to your administrator account. It should start working now.
If you are running it on Windows server 2008 don't forget to create inbound rule in windows firewall to port 80.
Then go to http://localhost/Reports (NOTE: do not put http://
Go to Folder Settings and assign role browser and content manager to your administrator account. It should start working now.
If you are running it on Windows server 2008 don't forget to create inbound rule in windows firewall to port 80.
SQL Server Limiting Data Access for a Server Admin
If a user is granted the following server roles they still cannot access the data of databases they are not a user or dbo.
serveradmin - can change server configuration parameters and shut down the server.
setupadmin - can add or remove linked servers, manage replication, create, alter or delete extended stored procedures, and execute some system stored procedures, such as sp_serveroption.
securityadmin - can create and manage server logins and auditing, and read the error logs.
processadmin - can manage the processes running in SQL Server.
dbcreator - can create, alter, and resize databases.
diskadmin - can manage disk files.
----------- example script -----------
use master
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'securityadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'serveradmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'setupadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'processadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'diskadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'dbcreator'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'bulkadmin'
----------- example script -----------
To allow backing up of a database they do have access to, then can use the following:
use [user_database]
grant backup database to [testuser]
serveradmin - can change server configuration parameters and shut down the server.
setupadmin - can add or remove linked servers, manage replication, create, alter or delete extended stored procedures, and execute some system stored procedures, such as sp_serveroption.
securityadmin - can create and manage server logins and auditing, and read the error logs.
processadmin - can manage the processes running in SQL Server.
dbcreator - can create, alter, and resize databases.
diskadmin - can manage disk files.
----------- example script -----------
use master
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'securityadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'serveradmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'setupadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'processadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'diskadmin'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'dbcreator'
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = [testuser], @rolename = N'bulkadmin'
----------- example script -----------
To allow backing up of a database they do have access to, then can use the following:
use [user_database]
grant backup database to [testuser]
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Plan Cache Stats
Special thanks to Kimberly L. Tripp for this query
Full article:
SELECT objtype AS [CacheType] , count_big(*) AS [Total Plans] , sum(cast(size_in_bytes as decimal(18,2)))/1024/1024 AS [Total MBs] , avg(usecounts) AS [Avg Use Count] , sum(cast((CASE WHEN usecounts = 1 THEN size_in_bytes ELSE 0 END) as decimal(18,2)))/1024/1024 AS [Total MBs - USE Count 1] , sum(CASE WHEN usecounts = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Total Plans - USE Count 1] FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans GROUP BY objtype ORDER BY [Total MBs - USE Count 1] DESC go
Full article:
SQL Server Browser Service
Quick Tip from a respected MS Instructor: Disable SQL Server Browser Service
This causes a LOT of wasted network traffic and opens up a vulnerability making it easier for hackers to find your data servers.
Turn this off and advise your users to explicity enter the server name and not use the "browse" feature.
This causes a LOT of wasted network traffic and opens up a vulnerability making it easier for hackers to find your data servers.
Turn this off and advise your users to explicity enter the server name and not use the "browse" feature.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
SQLActiveScriptHost Example
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Hello World"
Dim conn, rs
Dim sql, sProvider, sCString
''sProvider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0"
sProvider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
sCString = "Data Source= c:\temp\tryme.mdb"
sql = "SELECT * FROM tryme;"
Set conn = SQLActiveScriptHost.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With conn
.Provider = sProvider
.Mode = adModeRead
.ConnectionString = sCString
End With
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Connected..."
Set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
While Not rs.EOF
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Executed SQL..."
Set conn = Nothing
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Connection Closed."
Note: SQLActiveScriptHost is being deprecated in a future version of SQL Server (Post 2008 R2)
Dim conn, rs
Dim sql, sProvider, sCString
''sProvider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0"
sProvider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
sCString = "Data Source= c:\temp\tryme.mdb"
sql = "SELECT * FROM tryme;"
Set conn = SQLActiveScriptHost.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With conn
.Provider = sProvider
.Mode = adModeRead
.ConnectionString = sCString
End With
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Connected..."
Set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
While Not rs.EOF
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Executed SQL..."
Set conn = Nothing
SQLActiveScriptHost.Print "Connection Closed."
Note: SQLActiveScriptHost is being deprecated in a future version of SQL Server (Post 2008 R2)
PowerShell Connect to MSAccess
$adOpenStatic = 3 $adLockOptimistic = 3 $adStatusOpen = 1 $sql = "Select * from dispatch;" $cstr = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = c:\temp\mydata.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=mypass;" $conn = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Connection $rs = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Recordset $conn.Open($cstr) if ($conn.State -eq $adStatusOpen) { $rs.Open($sql, $conn, $adOpenStatic, $adLockOptimistic) if ($rs.State -eq $adStatusOpen) { $rs.MoveFirst() while (!$rs.EOF) { $rs.Fields.Item(1).Value; $rs.MoveNext() } $rs.Close() } $conn.Close() }
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
30 January 2012
by Rob Garrison
* Where appropriate, use VARCHAR(n) over VARCHAR(MAX) for reasons of good design if not performance benefits, and because VARCHAR(MAX) data does not compress
* Storing large strings takes longer than storing small strings.
* Updating an in-row VARCHAR(MAX) value from below 8,000 to over 8,000 will be relatively slow, but the difference for a single transaction will likely not be measurable.
* Updating an in-row VARCHAR(MAX) value from over 8,000 to below 8,000 will be faster than if the table is set to store data out-of-row.
* Using the out-of-row option for VARCHAR(MAX) will cause slower writes until the strings are very long.
Full article
by Rob Garrison
* Where appropriate, use VARCHAR(n) over VARCHAR(MAX) for reasons of good design if not performance benefits, and because VARCHAR(MAX) data does not compress
* Storing large strings takes longer than storing small strings.
* Updating an in-row VARCHAR(MAX) value from below 8,000 to over 8,000 will be relatively slow, but the difference for a single transaction will likely not be measurable.
* Updating an in-row VARCHAR(MAX) value from over 8,000 to below 8,000 will be faster than if the table is set to store data out-of-row.
* Using the out-of-row option for VARCHAR(MAX) will cause slower writes until the strings are very long.
Full article
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
restored database owner
Ran into an interesting problem with a SQL2005 database being restored to a SQL2008R2 instance.
Turned out the database owner was correctly represented as the login that restored the database, however the login mapped to the "dbo" user was still mapped to the old login on the source server.
To fix this, ran the following:
Turned out the database owner was correctly represented as the login that restored the database, however the login mapped to the "dbo" user was still mapped to the old login on the source server.
To fix this, ran the following:
alter authorization on database::[database_name] to [login_name] go
Friday, January 27, 2012
Invalid Column Error When One Stored Proc Calls Another
I've run into a problem where one stored procedure calls another and I get an "Invalid Column" error. The child stored proc works fine when run separately.
Some similar errors could easily be cleaned up by using sp_recompile or sp_refreshsqlmodule.
But, turns out there is a little bug in the column name validation when there are temp tables in a child stored proc that have the same name as a temp table in the parent proc.
Solution: rename the temp table in one proc or another. Or, could use variable tables or some other structure in one or the other.
Some similar errors could easily be cleaned up by using sp_recompile or sp_refreshsqlmodule.
But, turns out there is a little bug in the column name validation when there are temp tables in a child stored proc that have the same name as a temp table in the parent proc.
Solution: rename the temp table in one proc or another. Or, could use variable tables or some other structure in one or the other.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Enable CLR
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Vertical Text
Column-A | Column-B | Column-C |
Row 1 Col A | Row 1 Col B | Row 1 Col C |
Row 2 Col A | Row 2 Col B | Row 2 Col C |
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
DECLARE @obj TABLE ( id int identity, objname sysname, objtype sysname ) DECLARE @i int , @sql nvarchar(max) INSERT INTO @obj ( objname, objtype ) SELECT , (case when A.type = 'V' then 'VIEW' when A.type in ('FN','IF','TF') then 'FUNCTION' when A.type = 'P' then 'PROCEDURE' else '' end ) FROM sysobjects A (NOLOCK) WHERE A.type IN ( 'V', 'FN', 'IF', 'TF', 'P' ) ORDER BY (case A.type when 'V' then 3 when 'P' then 1 else 2 end ) , DESC SELECT @i = max(id) FROM @obj WHILE @i > 0 BEGIN SELECT @sql = 'DROP ' + A.objtype + ' ' + A.objname FROM @obj A WHERE = @i PRINT @sql SET @i = @i - 1 END
This is one example where using a table variable and while loop on a relatively small set of data is preferred, simply because the "sysobjects" table will be mutating through the process of the loop. Could still get away with it in a cursor if locks and hints are properly applied, but I still prefer to avoid it when possible.
Using Cursors Optimally
sqlwithmanoj demonstrated cases where using optimization hints such as FAST_FORWARD, FORWARD_ONLY, READ_ONLY can result in cursors that are more performant than while loops on table variables.
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