Monday, March 26, 2012

Code Generator

-- =============================================
--      Author: John Olsen
-- Create date: 20120323
-- Update date: 20120425
-- Review date: 
-- Description: Generate column related t-sql
--              and c# code for specified table
--              because i have had carpul
--              tunnel surgery once already
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uCodeGenerator] ( @tabname varchar(128) )

--DECLARE @tabname varchar(128)
--SET @tabname = 'truck_transfers'


DECLARE @types TABLE ( xtype tinyint
                     , sql_type varchar(128)
                     , csharp_type varchar(30)
                     , db_type varchar(128)
                     , use_len tinyint
                     , use_prec tinyint
                     , use_scale tinyint
                     , type_class tinyint )

       INSERT INTO @types (xtype, sql_type, csharp_type, db_type, use_len, use_prec, use_scale, type_class)
            SELECT 127, 'bigint', 'int', 'BigInt',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 173, 'binary', 'byte[]', 'Binary',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 104, 'bit', 'int', 'Bit',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 175, 'char', 'string', 'Char',1,1,0,2
      UNION SELECT 40, 'date', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3
      UNION SELECT 61, 'datetime', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3
      UNION SELECT 42, 'datetime2', 'string', 'DateTime',0,0,0,3
      UNION SELECT 43, 'datetimeoffset', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,3
      UNION SELECT 106, 'decimal', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1
      UNION SELECT 62, 'float', 'float', 'Float',0,1,1,1
      UNION SELECT 240, 'geography', 'SqlGeography', 'Geography',0,0,0,4
      UNION SELECT 240, 'geometry', 'SqlGeometry', 'Geometry',0,0,0,4
      UNION SELECT 240, 'hierarchyid', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,4
      UNION SELECT 34, 'image', 'byte[]', 'Image',0,0,0,4
      UNION SELECT 56, 'int', 'int', 'Int',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 60, 'money', 'float', 'Money',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 239, 'nchar', 'string', 'NChar',1,1,0,2
      UNION SELECT 99, 'ntext', 'string', 'NText',0,0,0,2
      UNION SELECT 108, 'numeric', 'float', 'Decimal',0,1,1,1
      UNION SELECT 231, 'nvarchar', 'string', 'NVarChar',1,1,0,2
      UNION SELECT 59, 'real', 'float', 'Real',0,1,1,1
      UNION SELECT 58, 'smalldatetime', 'string', 'SmallDateTime',0,0,0,3
      UNION SELECT 52, 'smallint', 'int', 'SmallInt',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 122, 'smallmoney', 'float', 'SmallMoney',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 98, 'sql_variant', 'object', 'Variant',0,0,0,4
      UNION SELECT 231, 'sysname', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2
      UNION SELECT 35, 'text', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2
      UNION SELECT 41, 'time', 'string', 'VarChar',0,0,0,3
      UNION SELECT 189, 'timestamp', 'string', 'Timestamp',0,0,0,3
      UNION SELECT 48, 'tinyint', 'int', 'TinyInt',0,0,0,1
      UNION SELECT 36, 'uniqueidentifier', 'SqlGuid', 'UniqueIdentifier',0,0,0,4
      UNION SELECT 165, 'varbinary', 'byte[]', 'VarBinary',1,1,0,4
      UNION SELECT 167, 'varchar', 'string', 'VarChar',1,1,0,2
      UNION SELECT 241, 'xml', 'string', 'Text',0,0,0,2

--SELECT * FROM @types

DECLARE @cols TABLE ( id int identity(1,1)
                    , colname varchar(128)
                    , parmname varchar(128)
                    , sql_type varchar(128)
                    , db_type varchar(128)
                    , csharp_type varchar(30)
DECLARE @i int
      , @crlf char(2)
      , @classname varchar(128)
      , @colname varchar(128)
      , @parmname varchar(128)
      , @sql_type varchar(128)
      , @db_type varchar(128)
      , @csharp_type varchar(30)
      , @s_dec varchar(8000)
      , @s_assn varchar(8000)
      , @s_collist varchar(8000)
      , @s_parmlist varchar(8000)
      , @c_dec varchar(8000)
      , @c_update varchar(8000)
      , @c_pop varchar(8000)
      , @c_parm varchar(8000)
SET @crlf = char(13) + char(10)

     INSERT INTO @cols ( colname, parmname, sql_type, db_type, csharp_type )
          SELECT "colname"
               , '@' + "parmname"
               , (case when C.use_scale = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) + ',' + cast(B.scale as varchar(30)) + ')'
                       when C.use_prec = 1 then C.sql_type + '(' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30)) + ')'
                       else C.sql_type end) "sql_type"
               , (case when C.use_len = 1 then 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type + ', ' + cast(B.prec as varchar(30))
                       else 'SqlDbType.' + C.db_type end) "db_type"
               , C.csharp_type
            FROM sysobjects A (NOLOCK)
      INNER JOIN syscolumns B (NOLOCK)
              ON =
      INNER JOIN @types C
              ON B.xtype = C.xtype
           WHERE A.type = 'U'
             AND = @tabname
        ORDER BY ASC
               , B.colorder DESC

          SELECT @i = max(id) 
            FROM @cols

   SET @classname = dbo.fnTitleCase(@tabname)
   SET @s_parmlist = ''
   SET @s_collist = ''
   SET @s_dec = ''
   SET @s_assn = ''
   SET @c_dec = '   public class ' + @classname + 'DAO : DAO' + @crlf + '   {'
   SET @c_pop = '      public void populate(DataRow row)' + @crlf + '      {'
   SET @c_update = '      public void update()' + @crlf + '      {'
   SET @c_parm = ''

   WHILE @i > 0
       SELECT @colname = A.colname
            , @parmname = A.parmname
            , @sql_type = A.sql_type
            , @db_type = A.db_type
            , @csharp_type = A.csharp_type
         FROM @cols A
        WHERE = @i

        SET @s_collist += @crlf + '   , ' + @colname
        SET @s_parmlist += @crlf + '   , ' + @parmname
        SET @s_dec += @crlf + '   , ' + @parmname + ' ' + @sql_type
        SET @s_assn += @crlf + '   , A.' + @colname + ' = ' + @parmname
        SET @c_dec += @crlf + '      public ' + @csharp_type + ' ' + @colname + (case when @csharp_type = 'string' then ' = "";' else ' = 0;' end)
        SET @c_pop += @crlf + '         this.' + @colname + ' = ' 
                   + (case when @csharp_type in ('float','int') then @csharp_type + '.Parse(row["' + @colname + '"].ToString());'
                           else 'row["' + @colname + '"].ToString();' end )
        SET @c_update += @crlf + '         oCmd.Parameters.Add("' + @parmname + '", ' + @db_type + ').Value = this.' + @colname + ';'

       SET @i -= 1

   PRINT @s_collist + @crlf
   PRINT @s_parmlist + @crlf
   PRINT @s_dec + @crlf
   PRINT @s_assn + @crlf + @crlf
   PRINT @c_dec + @crlf + @crlf
   PRINT @c_pop + @crlf +  '      }//populate()' + @crlf + @crlf
   PRINT @c_update + @crlf +  '      }//update()' + @crlf + @crlf
   PRINT @c_parm + @crlf
   PRINT '   } //' + @classname

END --uCodeGenerator()

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